* kiss my blog

Sunday, July 17, 2005

okay, so it's been a while...

so i'll give an update because i feel sorry for this blog. and also, there's something screwy going on with the text size (it's bigger than normal) and the sidebar (it's all the way down the page!) but i can't figure out what the hell is wrong. i didn't change the template. and the weird thing is, if you change your browser's text size from medium to smaller, everything fixes itself. wtf? if someone knows what's going on, lemme know please. also, a solution would be nice.

anyway, i've been kinda busy with the wisdom happy kids summer camp thing. about to get even busier too with world studies coming up. from june 27 to july 8, i taught 2nd grade english (deb taught 3rd grade). there were a couple girls in my class who were just...so...ADORABLE. gracie has the most precious, cutest little girl face. and when she talks, i just want to hug her and give her lots of candy. she's always with her best friend emily who she met on the 2nd day of kindgergarten. oh...my ovaries. incidentally, they also both go to mission valley - my alma mater! is that right? can i say alma mater for an elementary school? oh well. there was also ashley who's just so...perfect. but in a cute, non-annoying way. she always sat up straight and had pretty little girl handwriting. man. too much cuteness. the boys, on the other hand, were, well...boys. you know. i yelled at them quite a bit. and the biggest troublemaker was alvin. so just imagine me yelling "ALVIN!!!" a lot. too bad there wasn't also a theodore and a simon. the cutest thing about all the kids though was that they all called me "miss cherry." aww. i didn't even tell them to call me that!

so anyway, now we're in the middle of session 2 and i am TA-ing ha's 4th/5th/6th grade class. i am merciless. (wait, why does that not sound like a word?) well, okay, i'm not that bad but i do feel like i'm starting to get just a little too mean. i don't know. these kids wear me out. they really do. i'm always yelling. and now i've been yelling so much that the kids are starting to copy me and are yelling at the other kids "BE QUIET!! SIT DOWN!!" which...i don't think is good. so now, not only do i yell "BE QUIET!! SIT DOWN!!", but i also yell "NO YELLING!!! EXCEPT FOR ME AND CHRISTINA!!!" it's just...chaos.

and in one more week, session 3 will begin and deb, ha, and i will all teach world studies. i'm teaching 2nd and 4th grade. 2nd grade will be africa and 4th grade will be australia. and...we're all totally screwed. prepared...we are not. my kids will all just be watching lion king, jungle book, finding nemo, and rescuers down under. and the sad thing is, i'm only half-joking. because it may just come down to that. i don't know. there'll probably just be a lot of blank staring. ai-yah...what to do..what to do.. if anyone has any ideas on fun activities for kids that involve africa or australia, pleeeeaaaase let me know. please.

okay, i think my laundry is done. good god, it's so hot.