* kiss my blog

Thursday, July 08, 2004

triumph and satisfaction.

i don't know why, but i find fixing a copying machine very satisfying. especially after i've spent twenty minutes opening the whole thing up and then triumphantly pulling out the paper that was stuck in it.

does this make me sad? i think not!

(yeah, okay, maybe a little.)

sorry jo.

it's just kinda funny to return to my computer and find a message like this:

jaycsee: cher
jaycsee: do you know what I realized
jaycsee: 10 minutes ago, while I was walking up the stairs?
jaycsee: that your name backward is rech
jaycsee: oops
jaycsee: I mean rech
jaycsee: ah!
jaycsee: i mean rehc
jaycsee: oh god, what am I saying
jaycsee: ignore!
jaycsee: ignore!
jaycsee: this conversation never happened.
jaycsee: *runs away*

*pats jo's head* there there. the davis heat combined with the isolation has melted your brain. come back!!

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

i don't need no stinkin' title.

i can't think of a title.

i've been shopping a lot lately. i think i may have a form of shopping bulimia. i tend to go on binges when i shop and then i won't shop for a while. so maybe what i should do is just shop everyday to make it consistent. hmmm... i might be on to something here.

the fourth of july was pretty fun. drove up to san francisco and went out on jacq's uncle's boat to watch the fireworks with jacq, deb, anita, david, mike, and a bunch of jacq's uncle's friends. only problem was that it was pretty foggy by the coast and we couldn't see the fireworks very clearly. but i still had a lot of fun. that was my first time out on a boat that small. it was just really nice to see the city at night like that.

next day, we went to a pool party at kat's pool. had a bbq as well. i ate two hot dogs and felt quite full. then splashed around the pool a bit. the boys played some stupid game they made up that involved hitting each other with a little beach ball filled with water. okay, so they weren't trying to hit each other, but they still did. silly boys. then we played keep away - boys vs. girls. the boys had an unfair advantage when the ball landed in the deep end (which, sadly, was only 5 ft). all in all, it was a pretty fun time although by the end of the day, i was pretty pooped.

yesterday, i started my first day teaching 2nd grade english at happy summer camp. i feel so bad for the kids. they look so bored. but i guess it's a pretty easy job. it could be worse. i could have crazy kids. but since it's the first class in the morning, the kids are pretty mellow. they only get antsy towards the end of class when i hand out a third worksheet and they all look at me and go "awww...ANOTHER one?!" i get a loooot of blank stares too. although they are pretty intelligent. they're so smart, they're bored.

the only problem i've had so far is one girl who won't talk or do any work. well...that's not true. she does talk. only it's to herself. and it's more like mumbling. and it's accompanied by rocking back and forth in her chair. yeah...i don't know what to do with her.

but all in all, it's a pretty good job and i'm glad to be doing something other than sitting on my butt at home thinking about cleaning but finding excuses not to do it. well...okay, that's not true, i've still been doing that. but at least i feel like i'm accomplishing something everyday.