* kiss my blog

Thursday, April 18, 2002

ohhhh....i'm screwed. for the next two weeks.

tuesday, april 23
- social psych paper due

wednesday, april 24
- behavioral psych midterm

thursday, may 2
- social psych midterm

friday, may 3
- mae project due
- italian presentation

and i am sitting here not wanting to do anything. ugh.

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

accomplishment of the day: i ran for a little over half an hour on the treadmill and did the rowing machine for ten minutes (well, i always do the rowing machine for ten minutes, but i just decide to throw that in anyway. the half an hour on the treadmill is the real accomplishment). i'm so proud of myself. look ma, i'm working out!! it's so funny because, last year, whenever helen or melissa would ask me if i wanted to go work out, i'd just look at them and say, "why do you even bother asking?" and continue stuffing cheeze pringles in my mouth and vegging on my bed in front of the tv. now, i'm working out twice a week with mel. actually, i went today without mel cuz she was konked out when i went to her place to pick her up so i just told her to go back to sleep and i went alone. when we took kickboxing together, if one of us didn't want to go, the other wouldn't either. hehe. but see, now i have discipline!! sure, i'm still cramming junk food in my mouth every 2.5 seconds, but i figure the working out is balancing out everything. ;D anyway...

dilemma of the....uh..next year?: should i go to grad school?

this afternoon, i went to this info meeting for psych majors about requirements and different honors programs and grad school. i went in thinking, "i'm going to grad school." i left, thinking "i'm going to grad school." i came home and read this article about going to grad school and now i'm thinking, "WHAT DO I DO?!?!? WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?"

hmm...i think i should go talk to an academic advisor.

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

my mother is hilarious.

so she called me tonight to ask me if i knew some guy named john from the medical center in la jolla. i said no and she went on to tell me that he called our house (which, if you don't already know, is over 450 miles north of la jolla) and asked for me by my real name. from what i could gather, this is sort of how her conversation with john went:

john: hi, can i speak to thuy? [according to my mother, he didn't use my FULL real name]
mom: she's not here right now.
john: oh, when will she be back?
mom: june.

okay, maybe this story sounded a lot funnier when i was telling it to sanaz, but that's such a ditzy answer. june?! um, i don't think that's what he meant, mommy. i'm sure the guy was just like, "uh....okay." like, this crazy lady doesn't know where her daughter is. my mother reminds me of that scene in miss congeniality [actually, sanaz reminded me of this scene and it just reminded me of my mother] where miss rhode island when, asked to describe her idea of a perfect date, replies,"well, my idea of a perfect date would be april 23rd. because it's not too warm or too cold, and all you need is a light jacket."

anyway, i asked her if she gave him my phone number down here and she said she didn't so i figure if it's important, he'll just call again and ask for my number. but it's weird cuz i asked her where he said he called from and she kept saying, "medical center" and "hospital in la jolla." okay, there are like a bazillion hospitals in la jolla. okay, maybe more like three. but still, that's a lot more than one. all right, i'm starting to say stupid things now, so i'll stop.

on another note, di is cool!!!! i never knew she also identified herself as a third wave feminist. revelations like this are cool. ;D [yes, repetition of the word "cool." must buy a thesaurus.]

Monday, April 15, 2002

man, i shrunk my new workout pants just a bit too much. oh well.

yeah, i haven't been blogging as frequently (and as much) as i used to. i dunno why. maybe i'm just getting really tired. how sad is that. oh well. i don't really feel like blogging about the stuff that i was going to blog about either. fusion (this hip hop dance competition last sunday) was awesome. there were some amazing groups there and while the first and second place groups were both all-male, they were REALLY good. see, there is hope - not ALL guys suck at dancing. and i am like, ten times more in love with my social psych prof. last tuesday, he spent his entire lecture talking about love. "awww...." no, not really actually. it wasn't like a mushy lecture; it was quite hilarious actually. a lot of funny, interesting facts about how men and women see differently when it comes to physical vs emotional bonding. he was just so funny. i want to quote him, but i'm too lazy.

anyway, except for the manifesta authors event, today sucked. i'm tired and sleepy and the weather does not help. yeah, weather sucks. but the authors of this feminist book, manifesta, came down to speak to us for about an hour and a half. it was a very interesting discussion about young feminism and what it really means to be a feminist. it was funny because the president of the fmla, corinne, said that when most people find out she's a feminist, they respond with something along the lines of, "you're a feminist? wow...but you look so...normal." yeah, dunno if you noticed, but most feminists these days do shave and wear shoes other than birkenstocks. and, in addition to that, you know....i think a lot of the time, i give off this impression of being a man-hating lesbian. well, okay, maybe not MAN-hating (maybe man-disliking), but you know. people "wonder" about me a lot. and, actually, i find that to be really amusing and don't really do much to dispute it.

anyway...i dunno how i got talking about my sexuality. i gotta get ready to go work out with mel now. yup folks, we've set up a workout schedule and we're sticking to it (unlike some people who used to go around saying they're GOING to but, in reality, have never actually seen the inside of the gym).

ps...here's the website for the book, manifesta.

Sunday, April 14, 2002

oh yeah, and i broke my flip flops. :( i hope the fair comes real soon so i can replace them.

see, here's the problem i have. i'll watch tv even if there's nothing good on. i'll just sit there and watch. even if i hate the actor/actress in the movie/tv show, even if the plot is dumber than a potato, even if it's BORING. then i'll summon enough willpower to TURN OFF THE TV (which generally takes about five or six hours) and throw the remote to the other side of the bed. but then, one of two things happen:

1. i reach for the mini-remote, which, conveniently enough is a magnet and is stuck to my desk drawer, and turn the tv back on after an excruciating twelve seconds.


2. i stare at a blank wall for, like, a really long time.

i swear, it's like a drug.