my mother is hilarious.
so she called me tonight to ask me if i knew some guy named john from the medical center in la jolla. i said no and she went on to tell me that he called our house (which, if you don't already know, is over 450 miles north of la jolla) and asked for me by my real name. from what i could gather, this is sort of how her conversation with john went:
john: hi, can i speak to thuy? [according to my mother, he didn't use my FULL real name]
mom: she's not here right now.
john: oh, when will she be back?
mom: june.
okay, maybe this story sounded a lot funnier when i was telling it to sanaz, but that's such a ditzy answer. june?! um, i don't think that's what he meant, mommy. i'm sure the guy was just like, "uh....okay." like, this crazy lady doesn't know where her daughter is. my mother reminds me of that scene in miss congeniality [actually, sanaz reminded me of this scene and it just reminded me of my mother] where miss rhode island when, asked to describe her idea of a perfect date, replies,"well, my idea of a perfect date would be april 23rd. because it's not too warm or too cold, and all you need is a light jacket."
anyway, i asked her if she gave him my phone number down here and she said she didn't so i figure if it's important, he'll just call again and ask for my number. but it's weird cuz i asked her where he said he called from and she kept saying, "medical center" and "hospital in la jolla." okay, there are like a bazillion hospitals in la jolla. okay, maybe more like three. but still, that's a lot more than one. all right, i'm starting to say stupid things now, so i'll stop.
on another note, di is cool!!!! i never knew she also identified herself as a third wave feminist. revelations like this are cool. ;D [yes, repetition of the word "cool." must buy a thesaurus.]