* kiss my blog

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Yesterday, I had the worst day EVER.

So it started out with me having a bit of car trouble. I mean all I really wanted to do was maybe start practicing my driving. I mean, I REALLY need to start practicing since I wanna get my license this summer. And sanaz always said that I could practice with her car if I ever wanted. Honestly. How was I supposed to know she meant with her in it too? She never said that, I swear! I mean, c’mon, she was just begging me to practice - don’t tell me she just “accidentally” left her car keys out in the open on the kitchen table. Whatever.

Anyway, she was parked on the driveway so I got in (she was on campus, btw. Got a ride from mel) and started the car. At least I tried to anyway. I can never remember which way to turn the key. So whatever, it takes me like, five minutes to start the car but I did it! I was a bit overexcited though because my hand sort of slipped and turned on the window wiper thingies. I couldn’t really figure out to turn them off so I kinda just left them on. I mean, they really weren’t that annoying so whatever. Although at this point I’m kind of wondering what the next step is. But duh, I’m not that stupid - it’s the parking brake! So I’m just sitting there pushing and pushing on the damn thing trying to make it go down when all of a sudden I see a button thingy. I push the button thingy but nothing happens. So by this time, I’m just so frustrated, I jiggle the brake and voila - it goes down!! I guess I had to push the button AND push down the brake at the same time?

Anyway, the car started to move and I suddenly realized that I don’t remember which petal is gas and which is brake. Which I guess didn’t matter too much as I gripped the steering wheel and started steering wildly in an attempt to control the car. But okay, honestly, at this point, I don’t really remember what I was doing. I think in my panic I started jabbing at random buttons because all of a sudden, loud Mexican mariachi music starts playing as I’m coasting down the driveway across the street. Next thing I know, I’m across the street. The car has come to a dead stop, and I think, “Wow!! Something I pushed must have stopped it!” and I’m trying to figure out which button it was when some of my neighbors start running out and yelling at me. So I turn around to look at them but there are all these mailboxes and shrubs just lying on the back of the car blocking my view. I guess the car sort of, um, bumped into them. Okay, crashed, whatever. So the neighbors are still yelling, the mariachi music is still playing, the window wipers are still wiping, and, ohmygod, I think I knocked down a small tree.

The neighbors were so mean to me too! I mean, god, it was just a few mailboxes and a tree or two (or…four) and did the words “beginning driver” not mean anything to them? And don’t even get me started about sanaz. “Shouldn’t have taken my car blah blah blah no insurance blah blah blah.”

Anyway, as if my day wasn’t bad enough, I decided to be nice and show jen this really good fic I was reading (“sugar quills“ by hpgirl). But I guess she didn’t like it because it was ron/hermione which is just stupid because everyone KNOWS they’re going to get together. Even I know that - someone who hasn’t read all the books yet. How blind and retarded is she? And no, I’m not saying that affectionately. I don’t know, I guess it was the whole car trouble thing (I don’t really understand why sanaz is calling it a “crash.” I mean, those mailboxes came out of nowhere!) but jen just totally started getting on my nerves. And I really don’t give a shit if she sees this because I could care less about what she thinks. I mean, that whole COD thing in high school - really, what the fuck was that? That was just about the stupidest thing I had ever heard in my entire life. And that stupid manga she’s always reading?! I mean, really, what IS that?! Hasn’t she heard of this thing called life? Maybe she should go out and get one. You know what? Screw her. I never see her anyway and it wouldn’t make a difference to me if I ever did again. I’m never talking to that spoiled selfish bitch ever again. It was a mistake even being friends with her in the first place. I always liked the other girls so much better than her anyway.

Monday, March 31, 2003

question: why did my mother buy me a whole bunch of underwear and lipstick?
another question: what is she trying to tell me??