i'm so bored. i've just wasted two thirds of my weekend. i have a take-home exam to work on for western civ as well as some homework i need to complete for that class. also got a crapload of english homework to do. and i have done NOTHING. well, i haven't done nothing, i just haven't done any of what i was supposed to do. as all of us school-going people know, that is why sunday night was invented - to do all the homework we were supposed to do over the weekend in one night.
i have been doing a lot of webpaging. ironically though, i have made little progress. this webpage of mine is coming along so very slowly especially after being neglected for like a year. at this rate, i should be done by the time my first child is born. well, at least i'll have lots of time to work on it during my maternity leave.
la dee da...i'm so bored. so bored am i. i watched harry potter like 27 times or something. well, just parts of it, not the whole movie, but the same parts over and over again. it's on pay per view and there's literally nothing on tv so i just keep switching between channels to catch my favorite parts even though my dad bought the dvd. ron's so cute. "whew...good thing we didn't panic!" and there's a preview for chamber of secrets at the end of every showing. ron and harry's voices are changing! really, i think that's so cute. well, harry's voice was actually changing in the first movie.
okay, i'm still bored.