* kiss my blog

Saturday, July 13, 2002

i'm so bored. i've just wasted two thirds of my weekend. i have a take-home exam to work on for western civ as well as some homework i need to complete for that class. also got a crapload of english homework to do. and i have done NOTHING. well, i haven't done nothing, i just haven't done any of what i was supposed to do. as all of us school-going people know, that is why sunday night was invented - to do all the homework we were supposed to do over the weekend in one night.

i have been doing a lot of webpaging. ironically though, i have made little progress. this webpage of mine is coming along so very slowly especially after being neglected for like a year. at this rate, i should be done by the time my first child is born. well, at least i'll have lots of time to work on it during my maternity leave.

la dee da...i'm so bored. so bored am i. i watched harry potter like 27 times or something. well, just parts of it, not the whole movie, but the same parts over and over again. it's on pay per view and there's literally nothing on tv so i just keep switching between channels to catch my favorite parts even though my dad bought the dvd. ron's so cute. "whew...good thing we didn't panic!" and there's a preview for chamber of secrets at the end of every showing. ron and harry's voices are changing! really, i think that's so cute. well, harry's voice was actually changing in the first movie.

okay, i'm still bored.

Thursday, July 11, 2002

i have had a bad day. ibuprofen is my savior. and just the knowledge of having a whole bottle of vicodin at my disposal is psychologically comforting.

but at least i wrote one kick ass essay for my midterm today. then the day just went downhill from there.

ahh...i remember why i love mar so much. ;D funny online conversations where she tells me about how her mother obssessively tried to fix her up with a guy and where we realize for the thousandth time how pathetically addicted we are to the internet.

crazy spinster: you know what i think our problem is?
crazy spinster: THE INTERNET.
lavendurry: hahaha
crazy spinster: do you notice how many celebrities don't know how to use the internet?
crazy spinster: that's why they do so good in school!
lavendurry: dude
lavendurry: if i didnt have my internet
lavendurry: i wouldnt know how to function
crazy spinster: hahahaha
crazy spinster: me neither.
crazy spinster: mar, this is so sad.
crazy spinster: ahh!!! we're zombies!!!
lavendurry: dude
lavendurry: and its taking a toll on my body
lavendurry: i have the body of a 50 year old
lavendurry: my bones ache my back hurts
lavendurry: and like i crack when i sit
lavendurry: haha
crazy spinster: you know what would be really funny?
lavendurry: what
crazy spinster: if we all got carpal tunnel syndrome by the time we turned 30.
crazy spinster: like, there'd be a whole generation of us with warped wrists.
lavendurry: hahahaha
lavendurry: dude
lavendurry: we need to get out more
lavendurry: and do stuff
crazy spinster: my mother totally worries about me.
crazy spinster: she thinks i ahve no friends, no boyfriends, no life.
lavendurry: my mom complains that i never talk to her, but that the instant i sit in front of the computer screen i start laughing and he hawing to myself

...and then this is where mar tells me about how her mom tried to fix her up with a guy. it's such a funny story that i won't repeat it cuz i would ruin it's funniness and really, no one can tell it better than mar.

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

hey, wanna see something funny? stick a cold bottle down a one-year-old's shirt (make sure his shirt is tucked in his shorts first) and watch him try to fish it out. it really is quite hilarious. my mom put it down justin's shirt to cool him down (okay, well she actually just wanted a really good laugh) and it was so funny. he tried to pull it out, but he only managed to make it fall farther down and then it got stuck cuz his shirt was tucked in. so then he pulled at his shirt where the bottle was, managed to get it up a bit, then lowered his head, stuck out his tongue and tried to drink from there. my mom, my dad, and i couldn't stop laughing. he probably thought we were all insane. "what the heck is my bottle doing down my shirt? these people totally missed my hands."

you know, sometimes the stupidity of people really astound me. stupid indian girl astounds me everyday with her stupid ideas. but what part of, "hi this is CHERRY'S voicemail" do people not understand?!? gah!! i hear my personal greeting every time i check my voicemail ("hi this is CHERRY'S voicemail") but i STILL get idiots leaving messages like, "hi, this message is for hoang" or "hi, this is message is for gus." aaaarrrrgh!!! so now i've recorded a new personal greeting that, in an attempt to make it clearer that this is CHERRY'S voicemail for all the stupid idiot moron losers out there, sounds really kind of bitchy. i don't care anymore though. i just don't want to waste my time and minutes listening to some message a stupid person left for their stupid friend. the next person who calls and leaves a message for a person that is not me, i will call them back (provided they leave their number) and leave my own message. "hi, i'm calling for gus hoang, my imaginary friend. i realize this isn't gus hoang's voicemail but i'm going to leave a message for him anyway because i am just that stupid. really, there's no limit to how stupid i am which i will prove to you by calling you again and again, maybe at your work during an important meeting or during your class during a lecture, so that i can leave ten messages for my imaginary friend gus hoang who clearly is not the owner of this voicemail."

stupid indian girl in my english class stole my idea for a thesis for our last paper. and since she is about as intelligent as a lump of frozen meat, she ended up getting a bad grade on the paper while i got a 97 writing on my idea (that she stole. did i mention that?). ahh...the world is just. take that, bitch.

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

good golly, miss molly, my weatherbug says it's 99 degrees.

crazy spinster: and on top of that, i've gotta run around the house chasing little boys
GrafTed 23: boys are always running away from you huh?

Monday, July 08, 2002

so today during class, my english teacher announced that on wednesday, ohlone will hold a "weapons of mass destruction" drill.


first of all, the term "weapons of mass destruction" does not really instill any sense of calm in me. in fact, just hearing it makes me want to throw my arms up in the air and run wildly around the room in a blind panic. second, i have never heard of a "weapons of mass destruction drill." the teacher said he'd never heard of it either. he was reading off some flier the administrators had given him. apparently, there will be helicopters landing all over ohlone's parking lots and there'll also be a whole bunch of emergency vehicles all over the place. the drill won't interfere with any of the classes, but they just wanted to alert the students so none of us would be alarmed. okay...now...i don't think we'd have anything to be alarmed about if they hadn't decided to call this a WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION drill. they couldn't just call it a normal emergency/disaster drill or something. nooo... don't want to alarm the students. really, they might as well have called it the DIEDIEDIE!!! drill.

but you know, what really gets me is that they're doing this whole weapons of mass destruction drill at ohlone. OHLONE!! of all the places to hold a weapons of mass destruction drill, they're going to hold one at a dinky little community college that no one could possibly want to use their weapons of mass destruction against. there's nothing at ohlone! nothing!! i mean, you'd think if they were going to hold these weapons of mass destruction drills at colleges, they'd hold them at major universities like some of the uc campuses. but i really have never ever heard of a weapons of mass destruction drill. am i the only one? does everyone know about this except me making this whole blog sound really really stupid?