well, i'm home now. i'm cold and tired, but it's okay. i'm home. :)
my week was okay. basically consisted of midterms (which i didn't really study for at all), testing, and getting massively lost on wednesday. actually, that sounds like a bad week, doesn't it? but i'm home now so none of that matters.
the flight was eh. crowded and bumpy. felt a bit aggravated at the airport in sd though. so i went to go sit in front of the gate and just as i'm sitting down, a guy behind me decides to sit down in the chair right next to me completely ignoring the fact that there are plenty of other perfectly empty chairs all around us. i mean, c'mon, the one seat buffer is an unspoken social rule, is it not? totally invaded my personal space too as he leaned towards me on his annoying cell phone gabbing away the ENTIRE time. and to make matters even worse, he decided to place his rather large suitcase RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. i seriously wanted to just kick his suitcase over, jump up and down on it, and jam his cell phone into his face with my elbow. does that make me a bad person? i don't think so. but the best i could do was put on my earphones, blast my music to drown out his stupid phone conversation, and cross my legs so that the bottom of my dirty right boot rubbed up and down his nice jacket hanging off his suitcase. yeah, i don't know how your jacket got so dirty either, asshole.
anyway. came home to find our house all rearranged again. i swear, every single time i come home, there's something different and weird about this house. my parents just can't seem to keep the house the same whenever i'm gone. they feel some insane need to change it somehow. they basically just bought some new furniture and moved some old furniture around. i'm not a big fan of the new furniture they bought (it's that old asian antique style that's just so horribly uncomfortable) but whatever.
okay, it's freezing. damn norcal cold weather. guess i'll go unpack some toiletries and change into my comfy pajamas now.
i can't believe i'm home! ;D