* kiss my blog

Saturday, March 16, 2002

oh, and the television is the devil. but i love it anyway. sigh.

ohhh...i'm so screwed. dunno how to answer these questions on my italian take-home final. my powers of B.S. are failing me. dammit.

Friday, March 15, 2002

by this exact time (8:53 pm), a week from now, my plane will have landed in san jose international and my spring break will have begun!!

yay, finished writing script for my vietnamese skit with my group. only problem is, it's in english. so we kinda need to translate all of it over to vietnamese. but i think the really hard part is done - coming up with an idea and lines and all that fun shit. i am going to be playing a singer for this program called "la jolla by night" which is like modeled after this actual vietnamese singing thing called "paris by night." luckily, i get to lip synch everything.

ugh. spent too many brain cells doing that. don't want to work on italian now. you know what's scary? it doesn't feel like a friday night. it feels like a finals night. i guess that's a good thing though; my rising panic won't allow me to slack off too much. but still. my brain hurts and it's tired right now so i need to give it a rest before i start going with my italian.

okay, i'm gonna go get into my pj's now. hopefully, i will be making my way out of the plane by now next week. ;D

last day of winter quarter OVER. finals week has officially begun. well, not really, but i should definitely start studying.

i celebrated the last day of winter quarter in bed. no, no, you sicko, i just took a two, three hour nap...alone. it was nice. now i have to meet with my vietnamese group in about an hour and a half. i don't know what to do with myself between that time. i could start studying for italian, but uh...i don't really feel like it. hmm. the bed was nice.

dur. i can't wait to start packing to go home. i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait.

ooh, had to untie my pants, my stomach felt too constricted. ahhh...much better now.

la dee da...okay fine. i'll stop blogging now and find some other form of procrastination.


Thursday, March 14, 2002

oh okay, there we go. :)

okay...blogger's not posting any of my blogs. why isn't it posting any of my blogs?? WHY?!?!

you know, i've noticed that i don't get sick of things very easily. and when i say things, i mean food. :) if i really like a certain food, i'll keep eating it for like, forever. like, take right now as an example. over the weekend, i ordered two large pizzas for myself. the reason for this is a very asian one: one large was $14.58 while, two larges were $14.99. yeah, you do the math. so i just ordered two larges and obviously, i can't eat that much in one night, so i've basically been eating pizza all week now. now i know some (okay, maybe all) of you out there are going, "eew, you're disgusting, cherry." but what did i just say? i don't get sick of things (food) very easily. i don't know if that's a good thing or not. anyone remember my pringles obssession last year? then there was the laffy taffy and the bj's (an expensive addiction) and the snickers and the starbursts and the cheese puffs (ooooh, the cheeeeeese puuuuuffs).

anyway, i have to go cram some more for my vietnamese test now. bye.

man. i am so not studying right now. totally procrastinating. studying is boring. boring boring boring BORING. my life is boring. i should just drop out of college and become a professional stuntwoman. bet my parents would LOVE that. hmm...or i could move to las vegas and sing in dark, smoky bars for a living. ooh, how exciting.

okay, i'm gonna go...talk to sanaz now. screw studying. ;D

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

yay! ran into a couple of people i never see today: chris and victoria. saw chris on my way back from class. talked for just a bit cuz he had to get to class. argued about where i got the orange soda that i dumped all over him last year. ;D then victoria came over around 5 and we just talked and caught up for about an hour. it was really great to talk to her. miss having her around. :) i miss wendy too. me and sanaz were just talking about her last night. she was one cool chica! ;)

i am SO unmotivated to study for my vietnamese test tomorrow. there are several reasons behind this: 1. i stayed up really late last night (well, okay latER than i usually do) to work on my italian paper; and 2. i'm not taking the class next quarter so who gives a shit? and for the first reason, you know when you have a paper or test that you work on/study for for like a long time and then once it's over, you're just drained and you don't really want to work on or study for anything else? yeah, that's what i'm feeling right now. i already worked hard. i don't wanna work hard again. not really a good feeling though since finals are coming up. hm. oh well.

days till spring break: 9.

yeah, okay, so my paper turned out fine. i really didn't have to worry about it that much. it's just i was going a little bit crazy. i don't know why. i don't think i'm a very whiny person (well, okay, so on my blog i am a bit ;), but all of a sudden, i felt really really whiny last night. poor sanaz. ;)

so we've been doing these skits in italian and there was this group today whose skit was HILARIOUS. they did like a prequel to this play we read - only they did it in musical form. they just took all these love songs like, "can you feel the love tonight," "you are so beautiful to me" (is that the title?), "i will always love you," "only you," and all these other songs and like played them in class, but like, sang over them with italian lyrics. it was hysterical!! :)

oh, so here's my schedule for finals week. not bad but i wish i could end earlier. but i shouldn't complain since last winter quarter, i had a final on SATURDAY. that just sucked ass.

monday, 8 am - 11 am: italian final.
wednesday, 8 am - 11 am: vietnamese final.
friday, 8 am - 11 am: statistics final.

blaaaaahhhhhhhh....must study for vietnamese test tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

ahh, shit!! i'm never gonna get this motherfucker done!! ahh!! AHH!! AHH!!!! *throws hands up in air and runs around in tiny circles*


days till spring break: 10. holy shit.


i feel so scrubby. i know i don't LOOK scrubby because i'm not wearing scrubby clothes - in fact, i'm wearing a new tank top; it's just, i FEEL scrubby. you know?

i'm never gonna finish reading this italian story. i'm seriously looking up like every other word. durrr...actually, i'm not that annoyed. if i had more time (read: if i hadn't procrastinated), i think i would actually enjoy translating and reading this story. it's just that my paper is sort of due tomorrow and i need to finish reading this story in order to write it.

i am becoming increasingly aware that finals week is like days away. i did a pretty good job of not panicking up until now. okay okay, enough of this. i need to read more italian and then get to vietnamese class.

days till spring break: 11.

Monday, March 11, 2002

everyone thinks 10th week is dead week. it is NEVER dead week for me. i dunno what i was thinking expecting it to be a smooth ride to finals. i've got an italian paper due wednesday and a vietnamese test on thursday. grrr...

i've gotta go blow dry my hair now.

freaking crap. the kitchen looks like a FUCKING PIGSTY. so why don't i clean it? because it is not my fucking job to and i'm sick and tired of being the nagging bitch.

Sunday, March 10, 2002

wow, i feel so productive. i woke up around 1030 and did my chores. plus, i vaccumed our room which was in DIRE need of vacuuming. then i took a shower and shaved my nasty, hairy legs. that took like, forever. my legs were so hairy...*shudders* but now they're all nice and smooth and i feel so clean! then i went to the library with melissa. she went to go study and i went to go watch an italian movie. this one didn't have subtitles either but i understood a lot more so it was okay. very very WEIRD movie though. at one point, this really fat lady pulls out her boobs and stuffs them into this horny teenage boy's face. yeah...that was weird. i really wanted to start laughing though. but i didn't. so yeah.

now i'm back here eating re-heated papa john's pizza. yummmm....

days till spring break: 13.